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The Universe Dragons

Star dragon and Sun dragon, otherwise known as the universe dragons, are the two main rulers in Dragonia, and heres why: It was foretold, many years ago, before the dragons were driven to the dream world that six dragons would be born. However, only those permitted to learn would ever know about them. Yet, even those permitted would only know of four. The Sun and Star dragons are two very important dragons, in fact the most important of all. There are many downtrodden dreamers in the world, including Star dragon, who just need a friend to listen. Yet Star dragon is a kind dragon and wishes to bring hope and understanding to all that need it. Star dragon is the dragon that chooses which dreamers will be allowed to enjoy the fruits of the dragon world, and which dreamers will not. Innocence is important, for the innocence of a child is genuine and does not seek the dragons for its own personal gain. The innocence of a child rather, seeks out someone who will give protection, someone who will listen, someone they can trust, and someone who is wise and full of knowledge. She is also the dragon who understands, who tries to sense what kind of pain someone else is going though and knows that an unselfish friend is the best kind of friend to have. Yet the Star dragon is still inside, a child herself, to busy helping others to consider her own growth. But this is where the Sun dragon comes into play. The Sun dragon is Star dragons protector, his main duty is to make sure she is safe. Sun dragon also helps Star dragon to grow, to become as great a dragon as she can be. These are dragons of equal status, one never higher than the other. Yet without Sun dragon protecting Star dragon, all might be lost.